Frequently Asked Questions
Is the DockRight Laser safe?
Yes, DockRight is perfectly safe when used as directed. The DockRight Laser is classified as a 3r laser device. Lasers within this classification DO NOT require the use of safety goggles or protective skin covering, and is FDA cleared for use in the workplace.
Can the DockRight be mounted outside to create dock lanes at night?
Yes. The DockRight has an IP-65 rating meaning it is completely sealed, free from contamination by particulate matter in the air, or moisture. It functions well in most environments, both inside and outside.
How long will the DockRight laser diode function before needing to be replaced?
DockRight is rated for 14,000 hours but that can be greatly increased by only turning on the system when needed, especially true in docking areas.
What colors can be striped using DockRight?
The DockRight comes in three stock colors, green, red and blue.
How long of a line can the DockRight stripe?.
All projected DockRight Laser light visibility is relative to the intensity of the overhead and ambient light in any facility. Prior to deployment we first recommend placing a person in a lift with a DockRight plugged into an extension cord, then test the total mounting height optimal for your facility. Some facilities can mount at up to 40 feet others, due to brightness, find their optimal mounting height to be 15 feet. The average mounting height for DockRight seems to be 18' to 24'. There is a simple formula to follow when determining how many DockRight's you will need to create your delineation of a walkway. Formula: Mounting Height X 2.5 = Avg Delivered Laser Line.
If your mounting height is 24' then based on the above formula your single delivered line will be about 60'. We always advise rounding down the sum of the equation to allow for laser line ends to overlap so you don't run out of clean optical space at each far end of the laser line.
How complicated is the installation (mounting) of the DockRight?
The DockRight is a plug and play system, and is very easy to mount. The mounting hardware consists of a wall plate with a universal joint for fine tuning the projection of the line being striped.
What type of light technology does LightCop utilize?
LightCop is built on a platform of LED (light emitting diode) technology. When used as directed, there are no environmental or personal safety concerns. LightCop utilizes a CREE emitter.
What is a GOBO??
GOBO is an acronym for GO BEFORE OPTICS. It is a glass and metal “slide” that is put in front of a light source and creates the image that is emitted through the lens of the projector.
How large of an image can the LightCop project?
Image size is a function of both the size of the image on the GOBO and the projection or broadcast distance. We can make GOBOs that project surface images from 24 inches to over 6 feet. The small images are typically used in safe walkways, while the large images work very well in the center of intersections to signal heavy equipment operators and visible to those on intersection crosswalks. Of course there are numerous applications throughout all facilities. Our LightCop4 will project virtual walkways up to 15’ long!
How difficult is installation of LightCop?
LightCop is a very simple plug and play system and easy to install or reposition. It comes with all the mounting hardware as well as a safety tether. There is also an installation video available on this website.
When in radar mode, is there a way to adjust the distance that the radar detects motion and begins the flash sequence?
Yes. Inside the unit behind the lens, next to the GOBO magnetic retaining ring, there is a knob used to adjust the radar field. See below.
Can LightCop be used in harsh environments where airborne particulate matter is common?
Yes. LightCop is built to an IP-65 rating which means that it is a completely sealed system such that the projector components are kept free of dust, debris or moisture. It comes in a very robust industrial casing and is built to withstand the rigors of industry.
What is the best projection distance for LightCop?
While the LightCop can be mounted over a wide range of distances, 18-24 feet seems to be the sweet spot for brightness and clarity.
What can be done if the ambient light is such that the image created by LightCop seems washed out?
We offer a more powerful 120w LightCop3 and a 400w LightCop4,(our virtual walkway). There are also numerous ways to reconfigure the mounting to get LightCop's projected image closer to the delivered space.
Can I deactivate the radar system if I want to project a solid image at all times?
Yes. In fact there is a radar on-off switch that is used to enable or disable the radar feature.
How often will the light source (LED) need to be replaced?
The LED in the LightCop is rated for 32,000 hours of continuous service. It is very cost effective.